Your donation
can change a life

Babies, children, families and individuals in Wellington are living in poverty and extreme hardship.

As a cold winter approaches, please consider making a donation today and give those in need a brighter, warmer future.

Receipts for donations made via the donations box above will be issued automatically and sent to the email address provided. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, you can donate via internet banking using the following details.

Name of BNZ Bank Account: St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington
Account Number:-  02-0576-0017817-00
Reference: Donation

All monetary donations of $5 and over qualify for a tax credit. Please contact us if you make a direct debit donation and require a tax receipt. You will need to provide us with your full name and postal address.

Donating goods

Click here for information about donating food or goods.